Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Personal GAME Plan

Based on the NETS-T, I do not feel comfortable in the area of designing and developing digital-age learning experiences and assessments.  This is where teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (International Society for Technology in Education, 2008).  I would like to be able to use this indicator to be able to utilize digital-age learning experience and assessments in my math class.  An action I would take to strengthen my confidence would be to research contemporary tools I could use in the classroom to maximize student learning.  I would gather information needed to fit my lessons to what the students are learning that are designed around the technology.  In order for this to occur, the main action that would need to take place would be how to obtain certain technologies in my classroom such as an active board or and LCD projector.  I would monitor my progress by using multiple and varied assessments with the content and technology to monitor student performance as well as the efficiency of the technology I utilize.   Based on digital assessments, I will be able to receive data from the assessment and I can be able to adjust my teaching based on the data to address the students’ needs and styles.  In order to evaluate and extend my learning, I would ask myself if I have met my learning goals and if not, what I will do differently in the future.  I will use the assessments as a summative assessment to evaluate the use digital-age learning experiences from the lesson or unit taught.
Another indicator I would like to strengthen would be to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.  This is where teachers understand local and global societal responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices (International Society for Technology in Education, 2008).  A goal I would have would be current on the ethical and legal behaviors.  I do not feel as confident in this area as I should.  I would like to be able to fully understand the ethical and legal uses of digital technology.  An action I would take would be to research information that properly defines proper ethical and legal uses of technology.  I would want to feel confident in the background knowledge to be able to model for my students.  I will monitor my progress by conducting research to make sure that the information is in alignment and notice patterns from the information.  I will incorporate my findings into my teaching as I become more efficient in modeling the correct digital etiquette.  I will evaluate and extend my learning through my lessons and incorporate modeling citizenship and responsibility.  I will incorporate more digital based projects where the students can then begin to practice proper digital etiquette with ethical and legal behaviors.  I will know if I have modeled this properly based on the outcome of the students from a digital project they will complete.  If they are not successful, then I will know I need to model proper etiquette in a different way for all learners to understand.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from


  1. Todd to Malissa -

    I am glad I am not the only person who feels that we have a greater responsibility to ensure the digital citizenship. I have been lax in the citing of sources, and I know it needs to improve. Using simple images from another web page never seemed important, and until I put myself into the shoes of the web page creator, I thought, well it is just a picture, and we are not using it for commercial gain, there is not any harm. Then I conjectured someone else using a picture, a lesson, or a document from one of my classes, and I felt a new appreciation for the requirements. I did not feel short-changed or stolen from, but I did imagine the feeling of reward when someone reaches out and asks. This is just one of the attributes of the citizenship, but since it is the simplest and easiest to comply with, it seems like a great place to begin.

    Thanks for sharing your GAME plan!

    Todd Deschaine

    1. Todd,
      I would have to agree with you in that we tend to not think much about using a picture, lesson, or document. After the last course I took with digital etiquette, I have a different perspective on true digital citizenship. I believe this is an area to grow in since it is looked over. Thanks for the insight!

  2. Melissa, I think that your GAME plan will be very successful for the most part. Your actions and goals seem to work well together. I am not sure about the first goal though. I can see how you will work towards your goals but the assessments and the continuing evaluations are a little unclear. As you work on your GAME plan, you might consider setting up definite methods that are clear for you and able to be used. You should also define how you will continue to evaluate this goal in the future.

    Great job on the plan!
